Saturday, February 27, 2010

Playing Catch up

So last I posted, we thought Gabe had RSV. The labs came back negative but we started nebulizer treatments which seemed to be helping. Well when it rains it pours. That was on Thursday. Monday he developed a temp of 102*. His normal body temp is 96*. Tuesday his temp still was not down so I called and got him into the doc. Doctor said he is still congested and has a double ear infection. He gave me a prescription for an antibiotic. Tuesday night his temp spikes to 104.8, he is vomiting and shaking so we go to the E.R. They listen to his lungs and say that he does sound RSVish and order Xrays. They take me down to Xray and we strap him into the "positioner" which looks like a torture device. We then go back to our room and wait. While waiting Gabe yawns and I notice little white spots on the roof of his mouth. When the doc comes back in he says his lungs are kinda fuzzy in his upper lobes and he thinks its pneumonia, and to keep up with the antibiotics. I mention the white spots and he says it may be a virus but doesnt look bad. Tells us to alternate between motrina nd tylenol for the fever. Wednesday comes and his fever is still spiking. I could tell when it would spike because Gabe would vomit. I call the doc at midnight. I am exausted and tylenol and motrin are no longer affecting the fever. I get told that until a fever reaches 107* there is little risk for damage, um his normal body temp is 96* if he is at 105* then isnt that equvilent to 107*? He tells me to keep him hydrated and if he becomes dehydrated take him in for IV fluids. Thursday he yawns big again and the whole inside of his mouth is covered in what look like canker sores, the nurse happens to call to find out how things are going. I tell her he still has a fever and tell her about his mouth. Within an hour the doctor is calling me back and says that all his symptoms fit "herpangina" a viral mouth infection. It is better known as hand, foot and mouth. His fever finally broke late Friday. Now a week later and we both have thrush from the antibiotics he was on. But he is acting much much better. Back to his adventuring self.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Being Sick

So I feel like my head is going to explode. My sinuses are swollen and my nose could be mistaken for a faucet. Gabe went to the doctor on Thursday 2/11 and the doctor diagnosed him with RSV and gave him a nebulizer. Well lab results came back negative for RSV but the nebulizer is helping whatever is causing his congestion. The only drawback is that the Albuterol makes him very hyper. AS long as it helps I guess I could stand him making me a little crazy until he is better.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So my dad was cleaning out the puppies kennel and walked outside. When he came back in Gabe pointed at him and said "Da Da" very clearly and then repeated it. I don't know where he picked it up from because we call my dad Papa. Unless he is picking up on me calling him dad. It was so cute and sooooo clear no other syllables mixed in. And he had this big smile on his face, he was so proud. I'm pretty sure I saw my dads eyes water a lil bit.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

2AM Playdates

So for the last couple weeks Gabe has been waking up between 1am and 3am and just wants to play. He doesn't do it every night but a couple times a week. Last night was one of those nights. He woke up around 1:45, I changed him and nursed him, then I rubbed his back hoping he would go back to sleep. No such luck, while rubbing his back he reached over and grabbed my nose, then he started laughing and rolling away from me.  He blew raspberry's on me and played with his little piano, we played peek-a boo and clapped out hands and after about an hour and a half he started rubbing his eyes. Our little play-date was coming to an end. Pretty soon he crawled back up next to me and laid his head down. I rubbed and patted his back and soon he was fast asleep. I love our special time together, but then he decides that 6am is a good time to wake up again..............

Friday, February 5, 2010

Gabe had a great day today

So of course it's Friday and Gabe had a great day at daycare today. He fussed for no more than five minutes after I left and played around on the floor and pulled toys out, basically, he had fun. They are trying to teach them the sign for "bubbles" and set up the bubble machine. I watched for a little bit though the observation window before I went in and he sat right underneath where the bubbles were falling and clapped his hands. He was making faces as the bubbles popped on him and tried to squash the bubbles that landed next to him and didn't pop. Then I went in and he was clingy for a minute then crawled back over to play with the bubbles. He also ate two huge servings of spaghetti at lunch as well as steamed broccoli and peaches. I think he is in a growth spurt.

Baby Sign Language

I started trying to teach Gabe sign language when he as about 6 months old. He can sign "more" "milk" and  "eat". But he is very inconsistant. Well he has now got "more" down pat and uses it as often as he can. His new daycare uses signs all the time throughout the day. So the other day I get home and Papa has decided to "share" his chocolate cake while I was gone. Gabe was covered in chocolate. He completely ignored me and kept signing "more" to Papa.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So, I started playing this game called Farmville. Then I started playing Fishville and Happy Aquarium. These games are ADDICTING. I would play and play and play. So at the beginning of this semester I cut them all down to the bare minimum. I quit cold turkey. LOL
This brings me to my next point. If you would like to add me as a friend on Facebook, please feel free to ask. Though I am sorry to say I will not be fertilizing your farm or feeding your fish. I need to stay true and not play these games.

Gabriel and Daycare

I started Gabe in a new daycare this semester. It is on Campus and is a really great learning environment. Due to his last daycare, and their(what I believe) below par practices, Gabe has developed severe separation anxiety. We are working to overcome this and it breaks my heart when I have to drop him off as I can hear his cries all the way to the door. I have been dropping him off early and staying late so that I can spend at least 30min in transition each way. As long as I am sitting, either in a chair or on the floor, he has a great time. He crawls everywhere and plays, he pulls toys out and has fun. As soon as I stand however, he panics. He drops whatever he is doing and tries to get to me. They say that he is doing better throughout the day and will play for short periods of time, but for the most part, they hold him and rock him and let him look out the window to see what is going on, so that he knows that his needs will be met. Today they said that he actually sat in between one of the teachers legs on the floor and listened at story time. They are really good at trying to involve him in all the activities. Unlike his old daycare where he was put in a jumper, swing or exersaucer all day long. Today he "made" a house. They had paper cutouts of houses that they pasted the doors and windows on. I walked in as Gabe was making his. Well, I should say getting mad and hitting his windows onto his house. I take this day by day and know that he is getting better and it will take time. As long as he doesn't see me, he whines and fusses but is playing more. I peek in through the parent viewing windows and see that he does have a good time when I am not there. The parent window is one way so that parents can observe without disrupting their child.

Fitness Class

So I enrolled in a fitness class this semester so that I would have a reason to go to the gym and get a little more motivated. I signed up for Beginning Stretch and Strength to kind of ease my way into getting back into shape. Well I think my instructor has the definition of beginning confused with intermediate or advanced. Don't get me wrong I like to be pushed a little but the fact that I couldn't walk for most of last week tells me two things. One, that I am out of shape and my body is mad at me. Two, the fact that one of the basketball players was lagging shows me that I'm not the only one who thought the first week was a little rough. I was kind of surprised at the make-up of the class. After reading the course description I assumed that it would be mostly people that were just starting out in their fitness journey and needed something to start them in the right direction. Not so. Some of the students took the Fitness Boot Camp last semester, there are students from the dance team and cheer team and as previously mentioned the basketball team. I am definitely on the lower end of this fit club. But I do feel great after working out and hopefully by the end of the semester I will be able to mark off some of my goals.


Well lets see. My name is Lacie, I have a 10 month old little boy named Gabriel. This blog will mostly be about what goes on in our lives on a daily basis. Well, maybe not daily, maybe as often as I get on here to write or have something worth writing about.
I started going back to school last fall. I am hoping to get my Associate of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education within the next two years.
It is hard for me to believe that Gabe is almost a year old. How time flies.